Thursday, August 20, 2020


Hello Everyone,

While we await the physical school resumption, we have our examination classes (Years 9 and 12) in school preparing for, and writing their examinations. Therefore, our post today is about our 5 Must-Haves for all our students coming in to school at this time.

(Keep reading)

Home-Cooked/Packed Lunch

Our hot school lunches are not being served in school at this time, in line with our Infectious Diseases Policy. However, when our hot lunches come back, they will be served in grab-and-go style and individually packed for each student. Till then, we encourage our students to pack their lunches from home in air-tight containers to ensure proper hygiene.

Healthy Snacks

The Bake Kitchen will remain shut temporarily, and the Campus Tuck Shop will offer only sealed and pre-packaged snacks in line with our Infectious Disease Policy. So be sure to pack healthy snacks. Also, our students are not allowed to leave the campus at either lunch or snack times. Hence Healthy snacks are a must in our 5 Must-Haves list.

Personal Water and Bottle

The School provides NAFDAC-approved water at the dispenser stations. However, we encourage our students to come to school with a personal bottle of water, as refills are available at the dispenser stations.

2 Face Masks (1 to be worn, and the other as a spare)

While we adhere to our physical distancing guidelines, we encourage our students in school at this time to come in with at least 2 face masks, 1 to be worn and the other in their bags as a spare. Disposable or washable face-masks are allowed.

Personal Sanitiser bottles

As a school, we have various sanitiser stations at different locations within the school campus. However, we want our students to get accustomed to never leaving the house without a sanitiser bottle. So be sure to pack this with you.

Whew! After reading through our Top 5 Must-Haves, we would like to know what you think of them, and what other things you would like added to this list? Be sure to give us your opinions in the comments section below this post.

Stay safe and healthy till our next post!





  1. Thank you so much๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘. This is very helpful and highly educative๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘.
    In addition to the -5 must-haves, we will also come with our personal writing materials as sharing writing materials may expose us to COVID infection.

    1. Very true, thank you for visiting our blog. We love having you here

  2. This is beautiful, thanks for the reminder.

    1. You're welcome Rukevwe. It's a pleasure having you here.

  3. This is nice. ������

    1. Thank you Yetunde. Be sure to check out our other social media pages.

  4. thank u for the information and stay safe and healthy

  5. Thank you for the information, we hope the sitting arrangement will also follow the social distancing rule in the class room.
