Wednesday, November 24, 2021

5 Simple Ways To Encourage Good Behaviour In Your Child

As a school, we are aware of how easy children can be influenced towards various behavioural traits. So, we have outlined these simple steps to help our parents guide children towards consistent and positive behaviours. This goes beyond meting out consequences and penalties (not that these aren’t important, but there is more).

Monday, November 1, 2021

World Students' Day - 15th of October

In honour of the World Students’ Day, our CEDEC International Secondary School Students Council held a Students’ Day Event. This day was an opportunity for our students to demonstrate their teamwork, organisation and planning skills, as all aspects of the programme were planned by the students. This includes the speakers, the host – Miss Abigail, the breakout session and even the icebreakers.

Miss Abigail U. hosting the Students' Day event