Wednesday, November 24, 2021

5 Simple Ways To Encourage Good Behaviour In Your Child

As a school, we are aware of how easy children can be influenced towards various behavioural traits. So, we have outlined these simple steps to help our parents guide children towards consistent and positive behaviours. This goes beyond meting out consequences and penalties (not that these aren’t important, but there is more).

Be a Good Role Model

Remember the popular saying “Children do as we do, not as we say”. This is one of the rare occasions where popular sayings actually hold true. We can use our behaviours to guide our children. They watch everything we say or do. So, if you want your child not to raise their voices, you speak quietly, and if you want them to show courtesy, you demonstrate courtesy to them. All educators in CEDEC International Schools are well-aware of this mirror effect, and aim to practice this at every opportunity.


Active Listening

One of the keys to active listening is to concentrate completely on what your child is saying. Make eye contact, and remember that hearing does not equal listening. Avoid interrupting them, as this could make them feel unheard and misunderstood. Also, once they are done speaking, repeat what they have said to them to be sure you understand, and if you don’t allow them explain themselves correctly.

Keep Your Promises

Consistency in what we say and do makes children feel secure, and strengthens their knowledge of commitment. We should note that toddlers would need a constant and consistent modelling of trustworthy and reliable behaviour to help them comprehend trustworthiness. The importance of keeping promises is taught in our classrooms in our PSHE lessons, as we embrace opportunities to discuss reliability with children.

Create Opportunities For Children To Exhibit Good Behaviour

Creating opportunities for children to behave well, like giving them simple age appropriate chores, or assigning them easy tasks is a good way to give them chances for success. This way, you can praise them as they achieve these tasks. Praising their behaviour and efforts will encourage them to achieve more and continue exhibiting positive traits. Also helping them do chores gets them better at it.


Be Mindful of Your Environment

When it comes to children’s behaviour, the environment just means the little things around your child like his location, toys, games, etc. These influence their behaviour, so we need to shape the environment to help our children. Plenty of safe and positively stimulating play things can help encourage good behaviour. 

We look forward to receiving your feedback on how these steps have worked for you in the comments section below.

Till our next post, have a wonderful day ahead.



  1. I love reading your post. Pls post more often.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate your feedback. Also, we will try to post more often.

  2. Thank you so much CEDEC, I really appreciate this. We need more post.
