Friday, October 30, 2020

3 Remote Learning Tips To Improve Learning from Home


Hello CEDEC Family, we hope you are having fun indoors.

In view of the interruptions (Global COVID-19 pandemic, and the National Protests) to On-site learning this year, we are sharing a few tips that will help you during the Virtual Schooling.

We understand that transforming the home into a classroom may be a new experience for you. Hence, here are 3 great tips to help you get started.

1.  Make a Schedule

Just like there are timetables in school, you will need a timetable at home. 

We all need that extra push that replaces the school bell, or we might end up sleeping in for a few extra hours. A schedule requires planning, therefore, use your family’s routine to accommodate CEDEC International Schools Virtual Learning timetable and map out the best times for learning. Our timetable on the School portal incorporates assignment and classwork periods to ensure that our children know what classes are scheduled for the day. Feel free to add lunch and play times to help give your child structure when learning remotely.

2.  Communication with the class teacher

Communication is most important when we cannot see each other physically. 

In addition to this, we know that some of our parents or even older siblings are learning coaches for the lower primary and kindergartners. Therefore, to adequately provide the necessary support, our parents have been given the email addresses and phone numbers of their child’s class teachers. We love you to reach out to them, regarding assignments, projects, video classes or any other learning challenges you may face during this period. We are here to provide all the support you need.

3.  Create a conducive learning space

A quiet, decluttered area is a good place to start out. You’ll need a table and a chair (a dining table could suffice) for this. Once it’s time for learning, help your child arrange all his/her school supplies for the day. Make a list of distractions that could hinder focus. Distractions like a pet, video games, social media should be blocked during instructional time. In addition, after the live classes, and downloading classwork and assignments, turn off the internet to help your child focus.

Remember that these are starter tips for every child, though we know that some children need a more specific approach than others. Some of these include close caption for YouTube videos for children or slowing down video playback speed.

We hope these tips have been helpful and we would love to hear your results after you have tried them out. Also, be sure to share other helpful tips in the comments section below.




  1. This is good but what if we don't have a dining table.

    1. Hi Ruth, a plastic table and chair could suffice. Thank you for visiting our blog. Be sure to share this link with your friends and family.

  2. This is very helpful.
