Saturday, October 31, 2020

5 Simple Ways to Protect The School Community Against COVID-19

We are glad to have all our children back in school. However, to avoid the entry and spread of COVID-19 in our school community, we must stay safe by practicing some basic precautionary measures. Here are 5 basic measures to protect all members of the school community.

1. Wash and sanitise your hands often

According to the World Health Organisation, regular and thorough washing with soap or sanitising with an alcohol based rub of our hands eliminates germs that tend to stick to our hands. In addition to keeping your hands clean, avoid touching your eyes nose or mouth to prevent the entry of germs into the body. At CEDEC International Schools, handwashing has been included in primary and nursery school's timetable, and there are hand washing signs around the school and by the bathroom sinks on each floor. Also, Sanitiser stations are set by each staircase to ensure that our children adhere to this practice.

2. Coughing or sneezing etiquette – Respiratory hygiene

Please cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you have used a tissue or wipes, dispose of the used tissue into the bin and wash your hands thoroughly. Please do not bring handkerchiefs or face towels to school to avoid breeding and transferring infection. Good respiratory hygiene will protect you and other members of the school community from any form of respiratory virus. In addition to the waste bins in every room and office in the school, there are waste bins on each floor and by the school gate, please make use of them. 

3. Stand or sit 6ft away from the next person.

Physical distancing is a sure way to reduce infection spread. Maintain at least a 1 to 2 metre distance from the next person at all times, this will reduce your risk of infection. Remember to also keep your hands to yourself, which means no contact or touching of any form except in dire and unavoidable circumstances, and if this happens, wash your hands immediately.

4.  Wear Your facemask at all times

A facemask (fabric of surgical) must be worn by all members of the school community  and visitors at all times within the school premises (except children below five years old who should wear a face shield). Be sure to wash your hands before and after taking it off. Remember that the mask should cover your nose, mouth and chin. Parents are advised to make sure the masks are comfortable and breathable for the children before bringing them to school.

5.  Stay home if you are ill

If you are experiencing symptoms such as fever, dry cough, and tiredness, loss of taste or smell, aches and pains, headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, red eyes, diarrhoea, or a skin rash, we ask that you STAY HOME. Simply place a call to the school’s telephone number or your child’s class teacher informing them that you will be self-isolating until you recover. Then ensure you are treated accordingly. Students who are ill can follow their classes virtually using the school’s educational portal.

We will continue to do our best to protect our children and other members of the school community. Be sure to show your commitment by picking up our Wellness Pledge from the school office. 

What other ways do you think we can stay protected during the pandemic? Be sure to tell us in the comments section below.



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